Just recently changed the spark plugs, air filter, and pcv valve on my girlfriends '99 Monte everything went off without a hitch and seemed very routine. Minus the fact that after finishing up and reconnecting the battery the dome light flashes on and off after starting her car. The dome light continues to flash in a rythmic on and off pattern for about 1 maybe 2 minutes then stops flashing. Also stops flashing when ignition is turned off and key is removed. First thought that crossed my mind was that maybe one or both of the door switches were going bad. Not too sure though as this is a new experience for me. Any insight will be greatly appreciated!1999 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 3.1, dome light keeps flashing on and off after starting vehicle. How to fix?
It likely is a dome light delay timer needing replacement.1999 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 3.1, dome light keeps flashing on and off after starting vehicle. How to fix?
That's weird.
It may be some security issue. Try the other (spare) key.
Try this to clear the computer:
Turn the key to the ignition on position but don't start it.
Press the gas pedal to the floor three times.
Now turn the key all the way to start it.
Let it idle for thirty seconds or so.
This clears computer codes.1999 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 3.1, dome light keeps flashing on and off after starting vehicle. How to fix?
check the switches wiring