How often do I need to change the following:
pcv valve
fuel filter
air filter - engine
air filter - car interior
spark plugs
ThanksMaintenace info on 2002 Honda CRV?
pcv valve---Never unless it fails
fuel filter--Never unless it fails
air filter - engine--2 years/30,000 miles
air filter - car interior---2 years/30,000 miles
coolant--2 years/30,000 miles
spark plugs--7 years/105,000 milesMaintenace info on 2002 Honda CRV?
i dont know about the pcv valve or fuel filter but the engine which i believe you mean oil filter should be changed every 3000 miles the air filter should be changed around 6000 miles depending on the brand you get coolant when it gets too low spark plugs every 8 months or sooner if damaged. i change everything every 3000 miles so my truck is in pretty good shapeMaintenace info on 2002 Honda CRV?
pcv valve-don't bother until it goes out and your check engine light comes on.
fuel filter-this could leave you stranded on the side of the road, so before 100,000 miles rolls around
air filter - engine-every 20-30,000 miles
air filter - car interior-I'm not sure about this one. I have never replaced one in my life.
coolant-every 100,000 or so miles.
spark plugs-every 60,000 or so miles.
I'm gonna' add one more-transmision fluid-60-70,000 miles.
But don't take my word for it. Decide what is the most important and how close you are to it being due. When in doubt, check the owner's manual. Honda spent a lot of time and money developing this vehicle and they know better than me or anyone else that posts an answer to your question.